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ne permit furnizarea de resurse educaționale pentru un copil din școlile din mediul rural.

susțin dezvoltarea unui kit educațional anual ce are ca scop creșterea dragostei de învățătură a copiilor din clasele primare.

ne ajută să organizăm workshop-uri motivaționale.

o tabără de educație prin aventură pentru copiii cu risc de abandon școlar.


– an project of  Asociatia Romana a Tinerilor cu Initiativa


This project will increase the number of children and adults that learn to read and write, provinding a rich supply of educational materials for teachers to offer interactive lessons in at least 5 primary classes per year in rural schools from Romania.


42% of young Romanians aged 15 are functionally illiterate, according to a study made by the Center for Educational Evaluation and Analysis. Romania has a school dropout rate of 19% and aims to reduce it to 11%. However, just going to school is not enough and most children go to school without achieving any results. The reasons may vary from the quality of education to their lack of motivation or perspectives.


ARTI provides educational kits to children that learn in rural schools, trainings for their teachers, fieldtripts in cities, motivational workshops, adventure camps that boost their self-confidence and to try to follow their own dreams and ideals. Also, we organise commune learning days with children in rural and urban schools aiming to narrow the gap between them. We also teach adults, most of them parents that have dropped school, to read and write.

Long-Term Impact

The project will educate at least 130 children from rural areas per year, helping them to learn the basic skilss for becoming active citizens: to read, write and understand what they are learning about. Also, we target their parents and teachers, increasing the quality of the education process in wich thier children ar involved.